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Same Day Services

Mental Health Urgent Care Today

In Person & Telehealth Appointments

How It Works

Set an appointment. Phones open at 8:45 a.m. for reserving available same day appointments. First come - first serve basis.


Meet with a mental health provider sharing how you are feeling, learn coping skills and create a plan for ongoing supports and referrals, if needed to another mental health professional.

Who Is it For

Individuals 14+ needing mental health support for general mental health issues such as anxiety, depression or regulating emotions. Minors must have a parent/guardian present.



Those who are suicidal or hurting themselves should not be seen here but at the Emergency Room or call 911.

What Is not offered

Same Day Support is not for those experiencing: 

  • Thoughts/Intents to hurt self or others

  • Hallucinations

  • Eating Disorders

  • Substance Abuse

  • FMLA or Legal Paperwork

  • Evaluations for ADD/ADHD or Autism


Medication cannot be perscribed.

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